We believe in creating as many opportunities as possible to help nurture innovation in healthcare
Over the course of two days in July (2-3), the Enterprise & Innovation and the Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences teams based at the Wellcome Genome Campus hosted the first UK genomes and biodata hackathon (#BioDataHack) because we believe that code can lead to improvements in health outcomes for everyone.
Unlike most hacks, this was more than a gathering of coders in the same space working on a single or several smaller projects. This was a hackathon with a strong entrepreneurial flavour bringing together not just academia and industry from the life sciences and pharma, but also people who could provide patients’ perspectives, UX specialists, as well as those working actively at the fault line of scientific research and business. Collectively, they came up with some pretty neat solutions for innovative new approaches in healthcare.
Here you can browse photos taken at the first inaugural hack this year and enjoy reviewing some of the presentations and pitches from the 2018 event.
Photos from #BioDataHack 2018
Here you can view some of the best photos captured by Mark Danson from our Public Engagement team; from the late night movie and food vans to the excellent presentations by our speakers and plenty of shots of all the hacking teams looking very studious. Please note images are subject to copyright.
Presentations from #BioDataHack
Campus life
Life on Campus is enhanced by an impressive range of facilities, resources and activities. The entire Campus covers an area of 125 acres and provides those working here with a beautiful environment to enjoy for work and recreation.
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